Blues Dance New York Community Jam 2024
Blues Flute and Viola Accompanied by Big Frank and the Healers
La Nacional
239 W 14th St, New York, NY 10011
01:00 AM
The annual Blues Dance New York Community Jam “invites members of our community to sing or a play an instrument with our hometown heroes - Big Frank & The Healers. It’s a wonderful showcase of talent, community, and our shared loved of blues music and dance.
Katarina Hoeger and Evan Pittson will be accompanied by Big Frank and the Healer for acoustic renditions of Ain’t No Sunshine and St. Louis Blues. Other performers included Gavin Knittle, Preston Davis, Sara Purvin, Alfredo Melendez, Andrew Abbensett and others.
About Flute And Viola Duo
Katarina Hoeger, artist, musician, mathematician, coder, and dancer, has played flute for 22 years. She is classically trained, with experience playing in ensembles ranging from latin and middle eastern to orchestras. Through dance she learned to love the blues, and she signed up for this community jam to share her love of music with her blues friends. Katarina invited her longtime friend and music making companion, Evan Pittson, to play with her to enhance her experience of playing music in a partnership similar to the one between social dancers on the floor.
Evan Pittson is a violist, arranger, and composer. He has performed in orchestral and chamber ensembles from an early age, and has since dedicated his artistic craft to improvisation, as a soloist in jazz, R&B, funk, fusion, and world music. He also composes for and leads the Pittson Family Band, alongside vocalist Suzanne Pittson, and keyboardist Jeff Pittson, which has performed around the world.
Katarina is a blues dancer who frequents the Blues Dance New York community. She invited Evan to perform with her. They met while playing in their Buddhist group’s youth orchestra in 2007, and have remained friends since. Evan’s presence allows for the two to engage in a musical dialogue while performing similar to the one dance partners share on the floor.
About Big Frank and the Healers
Big Frank and the Healer are a traditional blues band. Big Frank, the guitarist and vocalist heading the group, “is a traditional electric and acoustic blues musician known for his powerful vocals.”
About Blues Dance New York
Blues Dance New York “is dedicated to fostering community and encouraging lifelong learning through a shared passion for blues dancing and blues music as forms of expression.” The community endeavors “to share knowledge about the history of blues dance and music.”