A LiveCode.NYC algorave fundraiser for cats.


1186 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11221

12:00 AM

Caturday 😸 Caturday 😻 Caturday 😼

Saturday, August 19th, LiveCode.NYC teams up with Wonderville once again to present: Caturday, a celebration of our favorite felines, their memes, and our love for weekends!

Live coded music, visuals, and good vibes will keep you purring all night long.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Catgirl or a cat person - this event is for everykitty!

😷 Masks Required for this event 😷 😸 Cat ears optional but encouraged 😸

🎵📺 Purrformances & Entertainment by:

  • Cougars Are Cats Too
  • Emptyflash
  • Voyde - Aerosoul
  • KastaKila - Ezra
  • VampireExec - Archaic Reckoner

Organized By Shellylynnx.

Statement from artist

  • I performed under the name Cougars Are Cats Too. My set introduced the audience to various severely threatened cat species and rhythms from their countries of origin. The sounds were derived from flute samples. I used a mixture of MaxMSP and Processing, communicating over OSC, to coordinate my audio and visuals.

Original event poster. Features pixelized text stating Caturday, Wonderville logo and address, date, time, ages 21+, masks required, sliding scale prices of $10 - $20, and the bill of performers. Also features a pixelized cat and computer.