I have a new website layout!


There were a few reasons why I made a new website layout.

A Unique Jekyll Blog

Everyone who uses Jekyll seems to use the minima theme. This update overrides it. I’m prepared for this to lead to future challenges in blog maintenance, but am also sure that it will lead to increased flexibility.

Portfolio Website

I have started making changes so that it will be easy to display upcoming events, projects, and the like. This overhaul was the beginning.

It will also make it easier for me to embed musical surprises in many ways in the future.


Many people have said that html and css skills increase your marketability as a freelancer. Here’s to hoping they’re correct.

Future Work

While I’m excited, there are still many different tweaks to make. Some include

  • Add my email, somewhere visible
  • Fixing image/code interaction with the aside part of posts
  • Making a schedule of upcoming events
  • Deciding on a color scheme
  • Adding a portfolio project section
  • Inserting musical experiences using html/css, tone.js, web assembly, etc.
  • Potentially finishing the tutorial’s javascript gallery
  • Updating the mobile menu icon to the bars generally seen on websites
  • Add more to the about section

If you see anything that you think I should change, shoot me an email.

Special Thanks

I followed along with Michael Hartl’s Learn Enough CSS and Layout To Be Dangerous tutorial. Additionally, I found inspiration, and borrowed code from the Minima theme team.